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Interface ICallConfigParams


  • ICallConfigParams

Implemented by



Optional allowHTTPErrors

allowHTTPErrors: boolean | IAllowErrorFunc

If set to true, errors returned from the request framework will not mark a test as failed. These include things like timeouts, SSL errors, etc.

Optional assertFuncArr

assertFuncArr: Array<IAssertFunc>

List of functions to run custom assertions for this call

Optional baseURL

baseURL: IDataFunc | string

API base url

Optional beforeFuncArr

beforeFuncArr: Array<IBeforeFunc>

Array of functions that will be executed before the config is run Can be used to transform the config as a last stage

Optional checkRequestSchema

checkRequestSchema: boolean

If set to true checkRequestSchemaFunc() will be called for the request data

Optional checkRequestSchemaFunc

checkRequestSchemaFunc: ISchemaFunc

Will be called if checkRequestSchema:true It is up to the implementation to complete this method It should return if the schema check passed or not

Optional checkResponseSchema

checkResponseSchema: boolean

If set to true checkResponseSchemaFunc() will be called for the response data

Optional checkResponseSchemaFunc

checkResponseSchemaFunc: ISchemaFunc

Will be called if checkResponseSchema:true It is up to the implementation to complete this method It should return if the schema check passed or not

Optional dataArr

dataArr: Array<IDataFunc | any>

Array of data objects / functions to be sent with the call, either a function that will be evoked to get the result or an object

Optional dataDeSerialisationFunc

dataDeSerialisationFunc: IDeSerialiseFunc

Function that can be used to deserialise the data returned from the server

Optional dataSerialisationFunc

dataSerialisationFunc: ISerialiseFunc

Function that can be used to serialise the data POSTED to the server

Optional endPoint

endPoint: IDataFunc | string

Call endpoint

Optional headers

headers: any

Headers object


since version 1.1.0 please use headersArr

Optional headersArr

headersArr: Array<IDataFunc | any>

Array of header objects / functions to be sent with the call, either a function that will be evoked to get the result or an object

Optional method

method: string

Call HTTP method to use

Optional obfuscateRequestBodyArr

obfuscateRequestBodyArr: IObfuscateFunc[]

Array of obfuscation functions, will be called before any logging is done should be used to obfuscate any sensitive data from the log then return it

Optional obfuscateRequestHeadersArr

obfuscateRequestHeadersArr: IObfuscateFunc[]

Array of obfuscation functions, will be called before any logging is done should be used to obfuscate any sensitive data from the log then return it

Optional obfuscateResponseBodyArr

obfuscateResponseBodyArr: IObfuscateFunc[]

Array of obfuscation functions, will be called before any logging is done should be used to obfuscate any sensitive data from the log then return it

Optional obfuscateResponseHeadersArr

obfuscateResponseHeadersArr: IObfuscateFunc[]

Array of obfuscation functions, will be called before any logging is done should be used to obfuscate any sensitive data from the log then return it

Optional requestCallback

requestCallback: IRequestCallbackHook

Callback that is executed directly after the request is made with the raw request options.

Optional requestOptions

requestOptions: CoreOptions

Object of additional options sent to the request framework Note: This will be the default options, then extended by the derived properties from this cnfig object like data, method, etc

Optional testModifier

testModifier: string

Only used when auto generating tests using a utility. Can be used to create xit() && fit() calls

Optional testName

testName: string

Only used when auto generating tests using a utility

Optional testTimeout

testTimeout: number

Only used then auto generating tests using a utility. This can be used to set a timeout amount for your test

Optional timeout

timeout: number

Timeout used for the http call

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